I have regrets.
I’ve felt stuck lately, frustrated at my life and taking it out on my husband and daughter.
I have regrets from this weekend. I got the pretty pictures of us frolicking in the strawberry fields, where my little one and her daddy are holding hands and laughing, strawberry juice dribbling down her chin.
But, real talk? The pictures are reminding me less of a fun time with my family and more of my attitude. I’ve felt stuck lately, frustrated at my life and taking it out on my husband and daughter.
So when I look, all I can see in these pics is my frustration.
I’m missing it, I know it. I’m not only letting a bad mood ruin that moment but this current moment when I look back. I could be delighting over her blonde curls and dirty chucks but instead I’m blocking out memories because they’re imperfect.
I’m working on seeing the beauty with the tough. Because that’s motherhood, right? The perfect days are way more rare than I’d like them to be, but the good stuff is there daily and deserves to be remembered.