I always prayed that I would be somebody & change the world.
I wanted to do big things. I thought maybe I would travel to foreign countries or help orphans or write a book or marry a big politician! 🤣 I always thought I would be a great First Lady!
I wanted my life to be defined by something that felt big and important. I just didn’t know what *it* was. I spent a lot of time feeling unfulfilled with jobs, days that felt meaningless, and a life without purpose. I kept searching for direction. Ever since we started dating, I would cry to Jacob, “I feel like I’m almost to my big thing. It’s so close I can taste it”. And then, on a Tuesday morning, contractions rushed us to the hospital where I fought for hours to become a mother.
When I was a little girl, I never even dreamed of becoming a mom. I even went through a phase where I swore I wasn’t ever having kids.
But that Tuesday evening became Wednesday morning and I finally pushed for the last time and with your first cry my world instantly changed.
You were plopped on my chest, a full head of hair, with teeny toenails and skin covered in goop. The most beautiful thing I had EVER seen.
That moment, I felt it. My purpose, my big thing, was delivered at 12:19 am on October 2nd.
I still dream. I would like to write a book one day & I do want to make the world a better place.
But I know at the end of my life, I am going to look back on all of my years and this will be the best part. I want to be remembered for something much bigger than traveling or being a First Lady. I will want you to remember how much I loved being your mom. Because I’m pretty sure it’s the thing I was put on this earth to do.
Like all big things, its not always been easy. I feel the weight of responsibility as I look toward our future together. Hard times will come and I’ll mess up and you’ll mess up too. But tonight I rocked you to sleep before bed and I listened to you breathing and knew that my day had purpose and that God answered my prayers. I found my big thing, and I get the privilege of being her mom. I’m her somebody. She already changed my world and I have a feeling she’s coming for the rest of you, too.
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